

The staff and governors at Burhill Primary School are committed to provide an environment in which every child at Burhill will be inspired and equipped with the skills, knowledge and emotional resilience required for their future.

At Burhill School, all our children love learning and are inspired to know more and remember more. Children, staff, parents and governors work together to create a safe and supportive learning community where every child can thrive and achieve their very best. All children become confident and resilient to transition through the school and successfully to secondary school and beyond.

Through our Values Curriculum, we promote an ethos in which we all look after and respect each other. For our children, positive behaviour is encouraged and rewarded through praise and public acknowledgement. The school values self-discipline and we encourage children to think carefully about the consequences of their actions.

By modelling our school values, adults aim to build positive relationships with all of our children to understand how they learn, their strengths and the ways in which their behaviour can communicate unmet needs. We are committed to supporting our children, helping them flourish with clear expectations for all of our children by agreeing to and following the of ‘The Burhill Way’:

  • Be Read
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Safe

We aim to:

  • Create and maintain a caring and supportive environment in which all children will flourish academically, socially and emotionally, and in which they will develop into independent and self-motivated young people.
  • Develop relationships that promote a child’s self-esteem and ensure they are well supported to learn.
  • Provide a safe and nurturing environment where lessons challenge, develop and meet the needs of all children.
  • Provide tools and resources, which enable children to understand and work with their emotions such as through use of ‘Zones of regulation’ and ‘Blob Trees’ and in conjunction with the PSHE curriculum. 
  • Provide clear guidance for children, staff and parents/carers and the wider school community of expected levels of behaviour. 
  • Use a consistent and calm approach supported by routines such as an agreed whole school and classroom charter, ‘The Burhill Way, visual timetables and stop signs. 
  • Ensure all adults take responsibility for supporting and managing behaviour and follow-up incidents personally without the use of shame, isolation or embarrassment. 
  • Ensure all adults use consistent language when addressing a child and:
  • Use restorative approaches and agreed sanctions.

The Burhill Way

All children are expected to follow ‘The Burhill Way’ and this is demonstrated by following:

  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Safe

Ready, Respectful, Responsible, and Safe underpin our expectations for behaviour both in and outside of school.

Where appropriate and reasonable, adjustments may be made to routines within the curriculum to ensure all pupils can meet behavioural expectations in the curriculum.

Ready Respectful Responsible Safe
Wear the correct uniform. Listen to one another and know that others will listen to you. Representing Burhill Primary School at its best both inside and outside of school. Move quietly and calmly around the school.
Be on time. Talk to all children and adults in a kind and respectful way. In class make it possible for all pupils to learn. Be at the right place at the right time.
Listening and looking. Looking after resources, displays and the environment. Accept that mistakes can happen and accept sanctions when they are given. Be safe online inside and outside of school.

Behaviour Expectations

Clear guidelines, and expectations have been created for the staff, parents and children so a consistent approach can be created. We will continue to use the Class Charters as an agreed set of rights and responsibilities held by all children. The expectations have been introduced to all children and are revisited regularly through class discussions, assemblies and at opportune times throughout the day so that the expectations become routine and everyone has an understanding that:

‘‘This is how we do it at Burhill’’

Recognition Boards

Recognition Boards will be used in every classroom. The Recognition Boards will be used for celebrate learning, extracurricular activity or acts of kindness. Every child will have the opportunity to be celebrated weekly. Once a child has been placed on the Recognition Board, they will receive a recognition sticker.

Recognition Board

Celebration Stages

In all classrooms, celebration stages will be displayed in classroom. In Key Stage 1, children will begin each day on the sunshine and will be reminded that each day is a sunshine day. The children will be celebrated when they demonstrate ‘The Burhill Way’ and moved onto the superstar where they will receive a superstar sticker. In Key Stage 2, the children will begin each day on green, and behaviours which demonstrate the ‘The Burhill Way’ will be celebrate with the children being moved to silver to earn house points and gold (for exceptional behaviours) where the child will earn a merit. Names cannot be removed from the celebration stages.

Marble Jars (KS1) and Star Jars (KS2)

Behaviour page marble jars
Every class has given a marble or star jar which will be displayed in the classroom. The class will agree a reward before they start filling up their jar from an agreed, screen free reward list. Marbles and stars will be handed out as a reward to the whole class for all of the children making choices which follow ‘The Burhill Way’. Once the jar is filled, the class will get their reward. Class teachers should aim to get the marble jar completed twice a half term in KS1 and once in KS2.

Other rewards for when children go consistently over and above or do something exceptional:

  • Values certificates (two awarded each week)
  • Achievers certificate (two awarded each week)
  • Recognition stickers
  • Core SLT (Mrs Adams, Mrs Webb and Mrs Brown) awards
  • Golden ticket for lunchtime behaviour
  • Postcards home from SLT for exceptional work
  • Phone call home to share celebrations


Behaviour page stickers





Quiet Critters


To support with improving calm and quiet learning environments during lesson times, quiet critters will be handed out to those children who are working calmly on their learning task. Children who receive a quiet critter will receive a sticker on their ‘Quiet Critter Sticker Chart’ in Key Stage 1 or house points in Key Stage 2.

Regulation Friendly Classrooms

Visual timetables will be displayed in every classroom to ensure children know what is happening each day. Each classroom will create a calm area for all children to access. These areas will be used for children who may need an opportunity to calm or the opportunity to regulate. Within the calm area, the children will have the opportunity to access a Zones of Regulation tool box.



Page Downloads Date  
Behaviour Policy 2024 - 2025 13th Sep 2024 Download
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