
Religious Education

Statement of Intent: Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) contributes dynamically to pupils’ education in schools by provoking challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life; beliefs about God; issues of right and wrong; and what it means to be human. At Burhill, through the implementation of The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools, the teaching of RE aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, ensuring that they have the knowledge, understanding and skills to answer challenging questions and to explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions. This enables them to develop a more rigorous understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society.

We want pupils to think critically, ethically and morally and to develop an understanding that RE promotes discernment and enables pupils to combat prejudice, preparing them for life beyond primary school. We aim for the pupils to leave school with a sound knowledge of the faiths and beliefs of those around them, and the ability to engage in appropriate ways with others, whatever their faith or belief. They will also engage with and respond to non-religious worldviews such as Humanism. Pupils learn to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences, whilst respecting the right of others to differ. RE supports pupils in developing their sense of identity and belonging and enables them to flourish individually within their communities and as citizens in a diverse world.


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RE Curriculum 25th May 2022 Download
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