
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality Objectives

The Equality Objectives of Burhill Primary School have been identified by the school in order to take action against all forms of inequality and to address all forms of disadvantage and discrimination wherever it may exist.

1) Improve attendance amongst disadvantaged children so that it is in line with or above that of all non-disadvantaged children.

2) Ensure that the achievement (progress) of children from vulnerable and disadvantaged families improves so that it is in line with or above that of all non-disadvantaged children.

3) Promote the understanding of and respect for difference within the school and its community.


Main Actions

Lead Person



Improve attendance amongst disadvantaged children so that it is in line with or above that of all non-disadvantaged children.

Reduce timescales within school attendance policy to enable faster referrals to Inclusion Officer.

Allocation of free spaces at a school funded morning club.

Targeted support from HSLW and SENCO for families after initial contact.

Termly reporting of attendance and lateness data for families.

Kate Brown

Assistant Headteacher and Attendance Lead

July 2025 with improvements at July 2023 and July 2024

Attendance data

Morning club registers

Minutes from Inclusion Officer meetings

Attendance meeting minutes

Records from parent meetings with HSLW (on CPOMS) or SENCO (on EduKey/CPOMS)

Ensure that the achievement (progress) of children from vulnerable and disadvantaged families improves in core subjects so that it is in line with or above that of all non-disadvantaged children.

Progress Meetings track attainment and next steps for teaching and learning.

Learning walks focus on disadvantaged pupils and provision in place (learning walk guides created for all staff).

Book scrutiny each term to include disadvantaged pupils.

Expectations shared and made clear for all staff to think PP First (marking and feedback, planning, access to extra-curricular opportunities).

Pupil Premium conferences on a termly basis to improve teacher student feedback and assess progress.

Emily Webb

Deputy Headteacher and DA Lead

July 2025 with improvements at July 2023 and July 2024

Pupil progress meeting notes

School external data

School internal data

Intervention plans and evaluations

Book scrutiny records

Learning walk records

Planning scrutiny records

Pupil premium conference paperwork and summaries


Promote the understanding of and respect for difference within the school and its community.

Subject leaders to review curriculum with regards to diversity of texts, people and places studied within their subject area.

Review of school trips and visitors to promote understanding of and respect for difference.

Assembly schedule reviewed to promote understanding of and respect for difference, ensuring reflection of the whole community and all British Values.

Ensure high quality provision and resources in PSHE/RE lessons which develop and challenge understanding of difference and equality in the community and wider world.

Emily Webb

Deputy Headteacher and Curriculum Lead

July 2023

Curriculum progression documents

School trips overview

Assembly schedule

Pupil voice survey (completed through curriculum committee)

PSHE and RE monitoring reports


Page Downloads Date  
Equality Information and Objectives Statement 01st Sep 2022 Download
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