
School Priorities

Whole school priorities 2023-2025

1. Ensure that our recently planned curriculum becomes securely embedded and that it is delivered with rigour and consistency.  

2. Teaching in school will continue to be consistent, effective and underpinned by cognitive science approaches, including retrieval practice, to ensure children know more and remember more. 

3. Leaders at all levels continue to drive high expectations for all children and are skilled at evaluating the impact of their actions. 

4. Children will have positive attitudes towards learning, be resilient to problems they may face and make a positive contribution to the life of the school and the wider community. 

5. Expand upon enrichment opportunities through a wider range of extra-curricular activities and visitors. 

6. Further refine the interventions on offer to ensure they are carefully targeted and specific and that effective assessment allows for the impact to be measure effectively.  

At Burhill Primary School, children:

  • love learning and are inspired to know more and remember more;
  • feel part of our community and are proud of our school;
  • understand how to look after their physical and mental wellbeing;
  • are able to develop healthy relationships;
  • know what it feels like to be good at something;
  • are confident and resilient to transition successfully to secondary school and beyond.

Please see our School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan


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